Ebrahim and Ismail were the very best of friends. They lived on the same street. They played, did homework and even read salaah together. They love spending time with each other.

One day, while playing together, Ebrahim accidentally threw Ismail’s ball too high and Ismail was not able to catch it. It rolled down the road and got lost. “Look what you’ve done!” Ismail shouted. “My ball is lost because of you!”

“It was an accident,” Ebrahim shouted back. “Besides its not my fault it’s yours! You didn’t catch ball in time and now you blaming me.”

They continued to shout and blame each other. The ball was eventually found and returned to Ismail. However, the damage was already done as Ebrahim and Ismail did not want to be friends anymore. They didn’t even want to talk to each other.

For two days they did not greet or talk to each other. They ignored one another totally. Their families hoped that they soon forgive each other and become friends once again.

On the third day, at madressah, their teacher was explaining a hadith of Nabi Muhammed S.A.W. which said that a Muslim may not keep away from his fellow Muslim for more then three days. This meant that before three days had passed, they had to start talking to each other and greeting each other. If they continued ignoring each other, they would be sinful. Both Ebrahim and Ismail were worried as it was already the third day since their fight.

As soon as they could, they rushed over to each other and made salaam. Each of them asked each other for forgiveness. They both then asked Allah to forgive them.

It was great to be friends again. They had missed each other. They realized that they are brothers in Islam. They would always try to stay friends for the pleasure of Allah.